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Our Mission Statement for Physical Education,

School Sport and Healthy Active Lifestyles 

Our school will engage and include our whole school community in healthy active lifestyles and physical education, fostering pride in the participation, achievement and excellence in school sport and adventurous activities.

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

This academic year, Cropredy Primary School will receive £17,490 for the current academic year.


£2200 of this funding has been spent on our annual affiliation to North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership (NOSSP). This affiliation gives Cropredy access to regular expert advice from a secondary PE specialist, quality assured professional development training for teachers and teaching assistants, occasional input and support from qualified sports coaches, access to regular sports competitions and festivals including national School Games competitions, support with the development and delivery of primary Change4Life sports clubs and evaluation tools to help measure and monitor progress and impact.


NOSSP affiliation also provides automatic full primary membership to Youth Sport Trust and a range of additional benefits and support including the Youth Sport Trust Quality Mark. Cropredy currently holds a Bronze level award with YST.


A further £10550 of our Sport Premium funding, is spent on employing our own specialist PE mentors. Chris Pemble will provide weekly support as our in house Primary PE specialist. Along with five other local Primary Schools, Chris has been employed to help us continue to develop the confidence and competence of all teachers in delivering high quality PE lessons. He will also help support the engagement of all pupils in healthy and active lifestyles in an effort to foster a lifelong participation in regular PE and physical activity. Chris is also able to deliver Forest School sessions closely linked to the curriculum for our Reception Age children.


As a school we are proud to currently hold a Bronze Youth Sports Trust Quality Mark. In addition we also achieved the Gold School Games Mark Award.


For further details on where and how the money will be spent please and the impact of this for our children, please see the linked document below.

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