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OFSTED Report, Performance and School Improvement Priorities

OFSTED came to inspect our school in October 2021.

At this time the school was judged to be a school that Requires Improvement.

Please see below for:

  • A link to the OFSTED Inspection Report

  • An Overview of our Improvement Priorities for this academic year.







Pupil Attainment - July 2023

Early Years

91% of children achieved a Good Level of Development.

Year 1 Phonics

82% of children achieved the expected standard in the Phonics Check.

Key Stage 1 Attainment

Reading - 85% achieved the expected standard or higher, with 42% at greater depth.

Writing - 69% achieved the expected standard or higher, with 15% at greater depth.

Maths - 85% achieved the expected standard or higher, with 46% at greater depth.

69% of children achieved combined reading, writing and maths at expected level or higher, with 15% at greater depth.

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Reading - 70% achieved the expected standard or higher, with 25% at greater depth.

Writing - 75% achieved the expected standard or higher, with 20% at greater depth.

Maths - 65% achieved the expected standard or higher, with 5% at greater depth.

60% of children achieved combined reading, writing and maths at expected level or higher, with 5% at greater depth.

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