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The Governing Body of the school works with the Headteacher and management team to ensure the school is providing a good quality education for the children. While the Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school the Governing Body works with them to set the overall aims of the school and school policies.


At Cropredy CE Primary School, individual Governors link with year group teachers to help them oversee specific elements of the schools work, for example there is a Governor that has responsibility for Cygnets Class and oversees Early Years provision in the school.

Others Governors oversee other subjects or provide support in specialist areas such as recruitment or Health and Safety.


Governors are often described as the "critical friends" of the school but this only really covers a small part of what they do. Governors at Cropredy CE Primary School play a very active part in school life, they can often be seen in school watching lessons or helping at school events.


Governors have some key responsibilities:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

  • Determining how the school's budget is spent

  • The appointing and dismissing of staff

  • Hearing appeals and grievances

  • Forming policy on the school's curriculum and collective worship

  • Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline

  • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe

  • Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies


Being a Governor is a demanding but rewarding voluntary role that is an ideal way to give back to your local community. There are several ways to become a Governor, Oxfordshire County Council has lots of information about the role of a Governor and how you can become one on their website - Click Here

At Cropredy School we are currently recruiting for one Parent Governor and a Local Authority Governor. The current members of the board are detailed below.

Cropredy CE Primary School Governing Body


Chris Kaye

Chair of Governors, term of office ends 31st August 2026.

I am a qualified accountant (CIMA) with 23 years’ experience across the private sector, higher education and local government. I currently work for Warwickshire County Council where I manage the Commercial Team within Finance helping deliver the Council’s outcomes through the development of a more commercial culture as well as supporting significant commercial programmes across the County.  My son is currently in year 5 at Cropredy Primary School and his older sister is an alumnus of Cropredy.


Chair of Governors, Resources Committee and Performance Committee Member.

Co-opted Governor


Andrew Johnson 

Foundation Governor, term ends 31st August 2024.

After school in Leeds, I went to university in St Andrews where I graduated in medicine in 1966.  I trained in Dundee, London, Oxford and East Africa I was appointed consultant surgeon to Ormskirk Hospital in Lancashire in 1978. I retired from the hospital in 1999 and was immediately afterwards    appointed chairman of Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust where I served for seven years. In 1990 I was elected to West Lancashire District Council, representing the Downholland ward for 12 years.  I was a member of the front bench team for 4 years and Chairman of Council in 2000. I served on Downholland Parish Councils for over 20 years and was a governor of Haskayne Downholland C of E School in Lancashire for 31 years. 

Currently I am a member of the Bourtons Parish Council and a volunteer room guide at the National Trust property at Canons Ashby. 

I am chairman of the Cluster care Group a local charity giving respite and care to local people.

I enjoy reading, crosswords, gardening and my family.

Vice Chairman of Governors. Chairman of the Resources Committee.

Stephanie Allen

Co-opted Governor, term of office ends 31st August 2026.

My family and I felt we had really landed on our feet when we moved to Great Bourton; the proof that we had was Cropredy School. The community is vibrant and warm, and this same spirit is embodied in the staff and children at this school.   As a parent of children in both KS2 and Cygnets - and as a teacher of English at a local secondary - I felt that I really wanted to give something back to the community that has given so much to us.

In my role as governor, I hope to be able to offer my experience and knowledge as an educator - in terms of how our children progress in their learning - and my passion and time to help our school become the resounding success that it deserves to be.

Chair of the Performance Committee. Further responsibilities: safeguarding, pupil premium and SEND governor.

Tristan Evans

Parent Governor, term of office ends 15th June 2025.

Mark Parsons

Staff Governor, term of office ends 31st August 2026.

Member of Performance Committee.

Sarah Fenby

Foundation Governor, term of office ends 5th February 2028.

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